Purple Shoots Interview


The IOEE is proud to recognise many academies across the world, who actively advocate for enterprise education and embrace the ever changing landscape of entrepreneurship. We are pleased to welcome Purple Shoots Business Loans to the IOEE Academy network, and to provide recognition to their Community Recharge Programme. We spoke with Chris Jackson, Director of […]

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2024 is the Year to Flourish


2024 has already been a busy year for the IOEE when it comes to academy applications, qualification approvals, and welcoming new members. One centre that has recently reapproved as an IOEE academy is Flourish Unlimited. We spoke with Lucy at Flourish about the reapproval process and the decision to reapprove.  “Flourish Unlimited is an IOEE […]

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Rocketeer Re-Approval


We always love checking in with our centres, and we recently had the opportunity to talk to Richard at Rocketeer Enterprise. Rocketeer Enterprise trains a variety of learners, including learners within prisons. They became an IOEE Academy in 2017 and had their own programme recognised to provide added value for their learners, who were completing […]

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A Warm Welcome to iUK


We would like to give a very warm welcome to another new centre that is joining us this year, iUK Academy. iUK Academy recently joined IOEE as an accredited IOEE Enterprise Academy, and what a time to join. As we finally, and hopefully, see the end of these uncertain times, we hope all of our […]

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Rocketeer Enterprise brings Digital Learning to Education


Rocketeer Enterprise is an IOEE Enterprise Academy on a mission – to change the world, one entrepreneur at a time. Rocketeer specialises in understanding how to benefit from being in the midst of the current digital and technology revolution, through supporting educational organisations, start-up companies, and wannabe entrepreneurs to succeed in the field of enterprise. […]

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