Our Qualifications

Flexible, fully supported and effective, our qualifications are built on extensive research and designed for the most enterprising individuals.
Each qualification progresses onto the next, equipping learners with knowledge and confidence in many subjects relating to enterprise, entrepreneurship and working in a small business
Enterprise Qualifications for Everyone
We have a wide range of qualifications and programmes to support enterprise in all its forms.
We believe in enterprise for everyone! We have learning to suit:
- Enterprising students
- Those just starting a business
- Those running their own business
- Those looking for new opportunities (employability skills)
- Individuals who are providing support to small businesses through advising, coaching, mentoring, teaching or training; and
- People employed in a small, medium or large corporate organisation who are looking to develop their
enterprise and entrepreneurial skills.
Regulated Qualifications (OfQual)

As an IOEE Academy or Centre of Excellence you can offer a full range of OfQual regulated enterprise and entrepreneurship qualifications through our partner organisation SFEDI Awards. Many of these qualifications are fully funded and range from level 1 up to level 8.
Professional Qualifications
In addition to regulated qualifications we also offer professional grade qualifications. These offer a more flexible approach to assessment and are more suited to learning-led, rather than vocational, delivery.
Our professional qualifications run from Introductory Award level up to Advanced Diploma and have been mapped against our membership grades and have regulated level equivalency.
To discuss which qualifications best suit the needs of your organisation, please request a callback and one of our team will be happy to discuss.
Request Callback
Free Affiliate Membership for all learners

As part of our learner support package, all of your learners will get 12-month's free Affiliate Membership.
Become an Academy
Deliver our award winning qualifications or have them mapped against your current programmes.
We offer both regulated and professional qualifications depending on your delivery requirements.
Mapped to Membership Levels

All of our qualifications are mapped to membership grades so your learners are eligible for professional membership and post-nominal letters.