Assessment Services Gain IOEE Recognition

In 2024, the IOEE has already welcomed several new academies, provided mapping for professional programmes within some of our Universities and provided recognition for programmes that were developed in-house, by our academies.

One of our academies that has sought recognition for one of their programmes is Assessment Services. This centre has been flying the IOEE flag for quite a while now. However, in recent years, they have partnered with NCS to provide quality assurance for their projects. And now, in 2023, they’ve joined forces to create a great qualification for their Youth Advisory Board.

Assessment Services has worked with the National Citizen Service Trust for the last few years. In 2023, they came together to create a qualification for their Youth Advisory Board, providing valuable training and a useful IOEE qualification to their Youth Board.

We spoke with Ruth Regan and Richard Adkins from Assessment Services, and Nick Cloke, from NCS, all about their new programme. We asked them some questions to understand where the partnership between Assessment Services and NCS came from, what the Youth Advisory Board is and how the qualification will be useful to them.

National Citizen Service (NCS) is an organisation working with young people across England to provide them with experience, confidence, knowledge and skills. NCS offers a range of experiences for young people that support them to become world ready and work ready — through growing their confidence, independence and skills; connecting them with people from all walks of life; and empowering them to make a difference in their communities and wider society.

“The NCS is where young people can grow their strengths and become world-ready and work-ready”.

Assessment Services is an assessment centre, that works with its clients to quality assess the formats, quality and delivery of programmes and projects in the UK. Assessment services have been demonstrating their commitment to providing a high standard of quality assessment practices, whilst gaining an understanding for the unique delivery methods of their clients, for a while now.

“We care, we assess, we add value” – Richard Adkins, Assessment Services

Assessment Services and NCS have been working together since 2018, and in 2023, Assessment Services and NCS decided to seek recognition from the IOEE, again consolidating their aim to add value for their partners.

By seeking recognition from the IOEE, their learners gain a years free studying membership to the IOEE. This gives them access to a range of resources from free e-learning to business planning templates, our publication and other online content that will be available to them for the duration of their membership. The learners will also gain a certificate outlining their achievement, upon completing their programme.
But what programme are the learners undertaking, and what skills will they develop?

Assessment Services, and NCS, are offering their Youth Advisory Board the NCS Trust Quality Assurance Training for Youth Advisory Board Ambassadors Visiting NCS Residential Experiences programme. This qualification will provide a valuable opportunity for their board of 12 individuals aged 18-24 to enhance their communication, confidence, and entrepreneurial skills. It also provides the board members with the skills and knowledge to understand the Programme Quality Framework, for the NCS programme, as well as allowing the individuals to Quality Assess NCS experiences and gain some work experience in the field.

The NCS Trust programme, recognised by the IOEE, equips their board members with the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies required to fulfil their role effectively, whilst also providing
the members with a qualification and on the job training. This qualification is then a symbol of their understanding of the quality assurance role and processes.

When we spoke with Richard from Assessment Services, he outlined that the NCS qualification is a great opportunity for the board members to trial quality assurance, without needing to commit to a full length course or career progression route. The programme provides them with on the job experience, like an apprenticeship, as well as workshops in which the members develop their understanding and theoretical knowledge. This can then be applied in internal quality assurance activities.

Ruth from Assessment Services reinforced this point, adding that the individuals are there to learn and grow. Ruth explained how the programme is a developmental opportunity where the learners are provided with the chance to grow, and gain a qualification at the end of the process. The programme is a great way to develop their confidence and also provide them with some job role specific knowledge and some transferable skills. This prepares them for working life, as well as giving them a trial in a quality assurance role.

Nick, from NCS, rounded the point off by adding that this programme is all about providing their YAB members with the ability to reflect on their own practices, understand their capabilities and proudly say ‘Yeah, I can do these tasks’.

We, at the IOEE, are proud to recognise the Assessment Services and NCS Trust programme, to support these Youth Advisory Board members with their employability skills. The IOEE recognised qualification will allow the learners to demonstrate their understanding of the quality assurance process, to future employees.

We know the Youth Advisory Board members find the qualification useful, and we cannot wait to hear from NCS and Assessment Services, about their experience on the programme.

If you are interested in becoming an IOEE academy, and having one of your programme’s recognised by the IOEE, then please do get in touch with a member of the team.