Someone once said, age is nothing but a number. But at the IOEE, we know that is not the case. Age is a hallmark, indicating a certain level of experience, knowledge and wisdom. Who better to become an entrepreneur, than someone with life experience and years of knowledge?
At the IOEE, we support entrepreneurs, old or young. The industry has seen a surge in individuals over 50 who are not just considering but successfully setting up businesses. Isabella at The Olderpreneur Alliance noticed this trend, and reached out to the IOEE, for Academy status and programme recognition. We are really pleased to have spoken with Isabella the CEO there, all about this decision.
The Olderpreneurs Alliance stands out for its commitment to two core aims. Firstly, it dedicates itself to providing support to older individuals who are contemplating the entrepreneurial journey. Secondly, the Alliance strives to increase awareness about the unique requirements and challenges faced by older individuals venturing into the world of enterprise and entrepreneurship.
Recently, the IOEE had the privilege of engaging with Isabella, the driving force behind the Olderpreneurs Alliance, to discuss their innovative Later Creator Programme. This programme has now been officially recognised by the IOEE, with the aim to enhance the qualification’s value and further empower Olderpreneurs on their entrepreneurial journey. Isabella mentioned the specific needs that older entrepreneurs face when starting up, and discussed how this programme equips them with the knowledge and confidence to address these issues before they occur.
The programme also provides her learners with a range of employability, self-employment and enterprising skills. Going from fundamental enterprise education through to specific case by case training.
The IOEE’s recognition of the Later Creator Programme demonstrates our commitment to fostering entrepreneurship across diverse demographics. The recognition also places the Olderpreneur alliance within a network of like-minded individuals, regardless of age, who are seeking to support the next wave of entrepreneurs.
The IOEE is proud to work with Isabella and her team at the Olderpreneurs Alliance, in promoting access to enterprise education regardless of age, and supporting business professionals that may otherwise be left out. The IOEE recognition supplies the learners that go through the Later Creator programme with a year’s free IOEE membership. This membership will be a valuable addition to the later creators, as they access a range of resources, templates and e-learning modules to supplement their studies with the Olderpreneur Alliance.
The IOEE is excited to be engaging with an academy dedicated to teaching older entrepreneurs, and we cannot wait to see what Isabella has planned for future cohorts. I am sure we will be hearing more about their plans in the future, so do check back in to see how Isabella progresses with this programme.
If you are interested in becoming an IOEE academy, joining a network of academies around the world, then please head to There you will find information on academy status, programme recognition and qualification delivery. If you need any further information, or wish to enquire about becoming an academy, do get in touch and a member of the team will be happy to help you.