In 2023, a year that screamed innovation and adaptability, IOEE rolled out something quite extraordinary—a new programme called Enterprise Spark, in a pilot run with Charterhouse School. This isn’t just any programme; it’s a game-changer in teaching entrepreneurship, business, and tech. 

The spark for Enterprise Spark (see what we did there?) came from digging into how enterprise education is served up to the younger crowd in schools and colleges. We spotted a gap—it turns out a one-size-fits-all, kinda fuzzy approach to teaching this stuff doesn’t really cut it. So, we dreamed up Enterprise Spark to mix things up by making learning about starting your own business as engaging, fun, and challenging as playing your favourite video game. It’s designed to get students from all walks of life not just learning the ropes but also pumped about the idea of entrepreneurship from the get-go. Many young learners don’t see starting their own business as a real option. 

This programme is here to change that mindset, encouraging them to think big, think business, and dive into the nitty-gritty of bringing their own business ideas to life—just like in the real world.

After a chat with Sandip Patel, the Head of Entrepreneurship at Charterhouse School, it was clear we were onto something. There was a real thirst for a more custom-fit kind of entrepreneurship education. Enter Enterprise Spark—a programme that not only lets students test-drive their business ideas in a safe space but also comes with the bonus of 16 UCAS points, thanks to its associated qualification designed by SFEDI Awards, the Level 3 Certificate in Applied Entrepreneurship.

Charterhouse School gave it a thumbs up! Students found it both enjoyable and eye-opening. Sandip put it brilliantly, “We are asking A-Level Students to think like non-A-Level students,” highlighting the program’s knack for pushing the envelope and getting students to flex their creative and independent thinking muscles.

A standout feature of the Enterprise Spark programme is its savvy use of AI technology. Picture this: students mingling with AI personas, each a whiz in areas like finance, planning, and marketing. These AI mentors walk students through the kind of scenarios you’d face in the real entrepreneurial world, from pitching to investors to brainstorming marketing strategies. It’s a way to get a taste of the action without the risk of a real-world faceplant.

The creation of Enterprise Spark hits the mark perfectly, addressing a clear need for a bespoke qualification that kicks off the entrepreneurial journey early. We’ve poured our heart and expertise into a program that doesn’t just meet the standards but exceeds them, offering incredible educational value. It puts students in the driver’s seat of their entrepreneurial voyage, empowering them to navigate their path to success.

Enterprise Spark is a bold leap forward in the world of entrepreneurship education. With its fresh approach and clever integration of AI tech, it’s all set to shake up how entrepreneurship is taught in schools and colleges. Keen to see how Enterprise Spark can fire up a passion for business in your neck of the woods? Check out our Enterprise Spark page for all the details.