2024 is the Year to Flourish

2024 has already been a busy year for the IOEE when it comes to academy applications, qualification approvals, and welcoming new members. One centre that has recently reapproved as an IOEE academy is Flourish Unlimited. We spoke with Lucy at Flourish about the reapproval process and the decision to reapprove. 

“Flourish Unlimited is an IOEE (Institute of Enterprise & Entrepreneurs) Accredited Academy specialising in supporting start-ups and SMEs”. Becoming an academy in 2020, Flourish has supported business owners in “making better decisions and adapting to changing business ecosystems”.

In 2024, Flourish Unlimited is making the most of its IOEE academy status and beginning the approval process for two of its programmes. These programmes will utilise the IOEE recognition to provide their learners with a certificate of achievement upon completion and membership to the IOEE. Flourish, and the IOEE strongly believe in adding value for learners in training programmes, and this certification and membership provide a range of valuable resources to support their enterprising journey.

Each learner completing the certificate will not only receive the certification but also access to the new IOEE online campus. The IOEE online campus is home to a variety of resources, from templates and checklists to e-learning modules and a new AI-powered business support guru. 

The IOEE Certificate of Achievement provides a flexible approach to programme recognition. Training providers can have their own programmes recognised by the IOEE, and issue a certificate of achievement to their learners upon completion. By choosing the Certificate of Achievement for their learner, Flourish has ensured that the learner would not need to complete any additional assessments to gain the certificate, and the trainer would not need to deliver additional material.

Flourish has shown an interest in the IOEE Certificate of Achievement for its flexible approach to assessment. They also work with neurodivergent small business owners, so they ensure their processes are as accessible as possible, meaning they don’t advocate extensive written assessments. 

Flourish utilises “proven design thinking techniques, workshop facilitation, and business training to safeguard the longevity, profitability, and purpose” of SME’s and Start-Up businesses. Their training programme is set up to provide bespoke training for each business owner, allowing them to test their ideas and gain insight into the world of enterprise and entrepreneurship. 

We are looking forward to seeing Flourish’s programme blossom and thrive. If you would like to know more about becoming a centre or having a programme recognised, contact a member of the team today.