Coping With Change

Starting and running a small business isn’t always easy. In fact, it can often be quite challenging to cope with change – especially during challenging times. If you’re finding it difficult to keep your business afloat, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many small businesses have succumbed to the pressure of change in today’s economy. However, there is hope. In this article, we will discuss some strategies that you can use to survive and thrive during times of change.

What is change?

Change is a constant in today’s business world. In order to stay afloat, small businesses must be able to adapt to their ever-changing environment. Many small businesses fail because they are unable to keep up with the pace of change. This is often due to a lack of resources or an unwillingness to change.

Change can come in many forms, but for small businesses, it is often most apparent in the form of economic change. This can include changes in the market, changes in consumer spending habits, or even changes in government policy. All of these factors can have a significant impact on small businesses – and not always for the better.

Many small business owners struggle with change as they strive to be in control but this only leads to more stress and anxiety. To be successful, small business owners must learn how to embrace change and use it to their advantage.

Why is change difficult to cope with?

Change can be difficult to cope with for a number of reasons. For one, it can be difficult to predict. This means that small businesses often have to make decisions without knowing what the future holds. It’s human nature to want to be in control and know what is going to happen but when it comes to change, this is simply not possible. Change can lead to disruptions in workflow, communication, and even customer service.

This can be very disruptive and lead to small businesses having to change their operations, which can be costly and time-consuming. Change can often be out of our control. This means that small businesses may have to deal with changes that are beyond their power to influence or change.

It’s crucial to know that change isn’t always a bad thing as we will discover the reasons for change. Change can actually present small businesses with new opportunities. For example, a change in the market can create new niches for small businesses to fill.

Additionally, change can also lead to innovation. This can help small businesses to find new ways of doing things that are more efficient or effective. Finally, change can also help small businesses to grow. For example, a change in consumer spending habits may lead to more customers for small businesses.

The final benefit of the change is that it can help small businesses to become more resilient. This is because small businesses that are able to adapt to change are often more likely to survive during difficult times. Company morale can actually increase during times of change as staff feel they are part of a small business that is overcoming adversity. The change will show which employees are able to adapt and be flexible with their roles.

Why change happens in the workplace

There are many reasons for change to happen in small businesses. As we mentioned before, economic change is a major reason. However, there are other reasons as well. Technology can also play a role in change. For example, the rise of social media has changed the way that small businesses communicate with their customers. Additionally, small businesses may also need to change in order to stay competitive. This can mean adopting new business models or changing the way that they operate.

Small businesses may also change in order to respond to customer needs. This can include adding new products or services or making changes to the way that they do business.

Different types of change

To deal with change in an effective manner it is important to understand how change can occur. Here are some of the most common types of change that small businesses face:

Structural change: This type of change refers to changes in the way that small businesses are organized. This can include changes to business models, operations, or even ownership structures.

Technological change: As we mentioned before, technology can often lead to a change in small businesses. This can include changes to the way that small businesses use technology or even the introduction of new technologies.

Economic change: Economic change is a broad term that can refer to changes in the economy, markets, or even consumer spending habits. The 2008 financial crisis is an example of economic change that small businesses had to cope with. Economic change is often out of our control, which can make it difficult to deal with.

Political change: Political change can refer to changes in government policy or even changes in the political landscape. Political change can often have a significant impact on small businesses due to the fact that small businesses are often highly regulated with new laws or policies.

Social change: Social change can refer to changes in social norms or even changes in demographics. For example, an ageing population may lead to changes in the way that small businesses operate.

Planned change:  Planned change is a type of change that is initiated by small businesses themselves. This can include changes to business models, operations, or even strategies. The benefit of planned change is that small businesses can control the process and the outcome. This will ensure company morale stays high.

Unplanned change: Unplanned change is change that small businesses have no control over. This can include changes in the economy, markets, or even technology. Unplanned change can be difficult to deal with, but it is important to remember that it can also present small businesses with new opportunities.

Stages within the change process

These stages of change  are important for small businesses to be aware of as they go through the process:

Pre-change stage: This is the stage where small businesses are first made aware of the need for change. This can be a time of uncertainty, as small businesses may not know how to respond to the change.

Change stage: This is the stage where small businesses actually make the changes. This can be a difficult and challenging time, as small businesses need to adapt to the new change.

Post-change stage: This is the stage where small businesses have made the changes and are now adjusting to the new reality. This can be a time of growth for small businesses, as they may find new opportunities in the change.

How people react to change

People often react differently to change, depending on where they are in the change process. Here are some common reactions to change:

Pre-change stage: People in the pre-change stage may feel scared or uncertain about the future. They may not know how to respond to the change and may be resistant to it. When you know change is on the horizon you must  accept it, and begin to educate yourself and your team about what the change may entail. By educating yourself and your team, you can begin to develop a plan on how to best deal with the change.

Change stage: People in the change stage may feel a sense of excitement or opportunity. They are actively making the changes and may be open to new possibilities. A great way to deal with change is to write a list of all the things you are feeling worried about, cross out all the issues you can’t control and then come up with a plan to deal with all the things you can.

Post-change stage: People in the post-change stage may feel a sense of relief or satisfaction. They have made the changes and are now adjusting to the new reality. One way to cope with this is by communicating with others who are going through the same thing.

Methods to cope with change

Change is always going to happen but that doesn’t mean that your small business has to suffer. By being proactive and prepared, you can weather any storm. There are a number of different strategies that small businesses can use to cope with change. Below are just a few examples:


When small businesses diversify their products and services, they become less susceptible to changes in the market. This allows them to continue to serve their customers, even when times are tough.

Be flexible

Flexibility is key for small businesses when dealing with change. Being able to adapt quickly to changes in the market can make all the difference.


Small businesses need to be constantly innovating in order to stay ahead of the competition. This means being open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Innovation can come in the form of new products, services, or even business models.

Change can be difficult for small businesses, but by being prepared and  using the right coping strategies

Diversify your business

This means having multiple revenue streams or products/services that you can offer. This will help to insulate your business from the impact of any one change.

Focus on the money producing activities

This means that you need to focus on the activities that will make your business money. This can help small businesses to stay afloat during difficult times. Rather than worrying about the small details, focus on the big picture and what will bring in revenue.

Keep morale high

Change can be difficult, and small businesses need to make sure that they keep their morale high. This means communicating with employees, and making sure that they are all on board with the changes. You can keep morale high by setting small goals, and celebrating when they are achieved.

Handling Confusion and Uncertainty During Times of Transition

Often, small businesses go through periods of change and transition. This can be a difficult time for employees, as they may feel confused or uncertain about what is happening. It is important to communicate with employees during these times, and let them know what is going on. You should also encourage employees to ask questions, and offer support if they are struggling.

Your employees are the backbone of your small business, and it is important to keep them happy and engaged. During times of change, small businesses need to be extra careful to communicate with their employees. By doing this, you can ensure that your business comes out the other side stronger than ever.

It’s a great idea to have a weekly meeting where everyone in the company actually sits face to face this allows for open communication and gives employees the opportunity to ask questions or voice concerns.

It also allows you to keep everyone up to date on what is happening, and what the plan is going forward. Change can be difficult, but by being prepared and communicating with your employees, you can make sure that your small business comes out stronger than ever!

When going into these meetings anticipate employee questions and concerns, this will help the meeting to run more smoothly. Be sure to have a plan for how you’re going to communicate the change, and what steps you’re going to take to make sure that everyone is on board.

It’s also important to keep an open mind and be willing to listen to employee suggestions as they are experiencing things in the business you aren’t. They may have some great ideas that can help your small business to thrive during times of change.


Change is never easy, but it’s a necessary part of life. For small businesses, change can be especially difficult because there are so many different factors to consider. But with the right tools and resources, you can improve your ability to cope with change and thrive in today’s ever-changing business landscape.