This month, Get the Idea, the learning programme the IOEE has developed in collaboration with global hair stylists TONI&GUY, is going live. Pilots have taken place at a number of educational institutions and we’ve been delighted to hear what learners and tutors think!
For some months now, the IOEE has been working with TONI&GUY to develop Get the Idea. This carefully constructed enterprise learning programme is designed to be taught alongside creatively-led courses such as fashion, hairdressing or art. Modules are written specifically to give learners a commercial, enterprising edge that will complement their practical and creative abilities.
The pilots have taken place across the UK from the North at New College Durham down to the Midlands at Wolverhampton College. We are also delighted to include NOVUS Group in the pilot, who successfully delivered to a cohort at HMP Styal Cheshire. The purpose of the pilot is to refine each element of the programme, from the detail in its content to the way it’s delivered, to ensure students benefit from the highest possible standard of enterprise learning experiences.
Chief Executive of the IOEE, Sarah Trouten said: “After a lot of hard work it’s great to see our plans for Get the Idea finally coming to fruition. Seeing the course materials printed and ready to be used was very exciting and I know both the learners and the students at our three pilot institutions are going to find the programme rewarding and stimulating. The pilots are our chance to make sure Get the Idea goes above and beyond, providing inspiration and practical knowledge to tomorrow’s students.”
Get the Idea gives learners a starting point from which to consider whether running a business is right for them. It leads them on a journey to thinking about what they’d like to gain from running a business, what business model would work best for them, and what their personal business values would be. Every learner completes a series of worksheets that both give the programme methodical structure and create a solid record of their thought processes. In essence, the programme provides the first steps towards transforming a ‘big idea’ into a tangible reality.
Toni Mascolo OBE, is CEO and co-founder of TONI&GUY. He said: “Without the skills to focus their entrepreneurial spirit, innovative, talented people are without direction. This programme will provide exactly that, helping students to utilise their innate creativity while understanding and taking commercial opportunities.”
To talk about the programme and find out how you can deliver, contact the IOEE team on 0845 467 4928.